Legal Information

Published by

SERgroup Holding International GmbH

Joseph-Schumpeter-Allee 19
53227 Bonn

Telephone: +49 228 90896-0
Fax: +49 228 90896-222

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Managing Directors:
Dr. John Bates (CEO), Dr. Gregor Joeris, Johannes Klutz, Janine Trinkaus

Registry Court:
AG Bonn
Commercial Registry Number 25126

VAT ID Number:
DE 226 304 630

Copyright Information

The information on is subject to change without prior notice. New information may be added and out-of-date information may be updated. The texts and images on this website have been carefully selected. Despite this fact, the website may still contain errors.

SER is only responsible for the content of any external websites linked to insofar as SER has concrete knowledge of their content (that may be unlawful or relevant under criminal law) and that it is possible and reasonable for SER to prevent use of these sites. The initial check carried out when a link is first set up is not deemed sufficient to gain such concrete knowledge of the content in question. SER is not legally required to review external content on a continuous basis. Should SER become aware of or receive concrete evidence that an external website contains content that is unlawful or relevant under criminal law, SER shall remove the link provided that it is possible and reasonable to do so.

The fact that contains names and titles does not mean that they can be used freely. All registered trademarks must be observed. All trademarks, brands and logos cited are registered trademarks, brands and logos of their respective owners.

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® Doxis, Doxis4, PRODEA, iQURE, iROOM, DialogZukunft, learningCube and SER are registered trademarks of SERgroup Holding International GmbH

® DOMEA is a registered trademark of the Koordinierungs- und Beratungsstelle der Bundesregierung für Informationstechnik in der Bundesverwaltung (KBSt) (the Federal Coordination and Advisory Agency for IT) , Berlin

® SAP R/3, mySAP ERP and SAP ERP are registered trademarks of SAP SE

® Adobe Acrobat Reader is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated

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Sonja Ittenbach ( owns the copyrights for the employee headshot photos and several team photos on this website.

Patrizia Adamo ( owns the copyrights for SER Summit photos found on this website.

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