Forrester Consulting

Total Economic Impact™ study
finds ROI of 336% from Doxis Intelligent Content Automation

Understanding the value of an ECM platform

With any investment, especially an ECM system that will be used by potentially thousands of users, discerning the potential return value is incredibly important - and difficult.

That's why we commissioned Forrester Consulting to undertake a full Total Economic Impact™ study to understand the value that long-standing customer and global leader SEW-EURODRIVE achieved while deploying Doxis.

The findings reveal significant value for SEW-EURODRIVE: They achieved an ROI of 336% over three years, with payback in less than six months.

A look at some of the findings:

SEW-EURODRIVE achieved benefits exceeding €17 million over a 3-year period

90% time savings by year 3; flexibility and improved employee experience through process automation

Better insights & improved sales processes through artificial intelligence

Streamlined collaboration through more efficient document management

With Doxis, we are able to handle documents in a really structured way, which has a big impact on quality... The search in Doxis is ridiculously fast. The [platform searches] 50 to 60 years of history in our case, and the results will still pop up in milliseconds.

Group Manager of Archiving & Documenting Services, SEW-EURODRIVE

*The Total Economic Impact™ Of SER Doxis Intelligent Content Automation, Forrester Consulting, June 2023. Study commissioned by SER.

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