Electronic inbound mail with Doxis
Increase revenue
Forward your inbound mail to the right person faster and enhance order processing efficiency.
React faster
Respond to service cases, customer inquiries and supplier offers without idle periods and transportation times.
Save resources
Automate labor-intensive tasks like sorting, classifying and distributing inbound mail.
Inbound mail automation with Doxis
Getting all your relevant emails straight to your inbox is one thing, but having an automated process for the documents you receive by mail is another. Doxis powers productivity by getting the right information to the right people, setting the basis for efficient processes and faster customer service.
Want to learn more about Doxis?

I have quick access to all the important information. In the past, I had to pick up new mail three times a day at the team management office. I now receive it conveniently in my electronic mailbox. Such a great solution!
Sascha Hülskötter, LWL State Youth Welfare Office, Westphalia
Boost productivity
Improve service
Immediately respond to customer requests and handle inquiries faster and more efficiently.
Make work easier
Let Doxis automatically assign your inbound documents to the correct eFiles, processes and business partners.
Uniform processes
Combine inbound documents and emails — regardless of format and channel — in a single process for further work.
Enhance quality
Automatically catch errors in addresses or form fields and directly flag them for correction.
Document compliance
From receipt to archiving, all document and email processing steps are traceable and fully documented for future reference.
Greater success, fewer resources
Respond faster to customer inquiries, optimize your employees' workloads and improve process efficiency — with Doxis you create the basis for end-to-end digital processes company-wide. Centralize your inbound mail across all channels in a single, standardized process. The intelligent inbound mail processing function automatically distributes your mail directly to the responsible employees, triggers the relevant downstream workflows and archives all documents in an audit-proof manner. Waiting and transport times are eliminated, and manual distribution becomes a thing of the past. Case processing can begin immediately — boosting not only employee productivity, but also customer satisfaction and, ultimately, your revenues.
First-class service does not wait! With Doxis you manage inbound mail digitally from the start. The software provides your basis for efficient processes — and end-to-end digitalization. INpostTELLIGENZ from Doxis centralizes all inbound channels: paper mail, emails, online forms, applications and much more: The intelligent inbound mail processing function distributes all mail directly and spreads the load evenly among your employees. Doxis identifies experts, finds back-up should someone be absent and triggers the relevant workflows. Waiting and transport times are eliminated, and all processes and the relevant documents are archived in an audit-proof manner.
Case study
Read nowThe digital workbasket was immediately well received by everyone. The time and resources spent on mail distribution has dropped by 75%.
Alexander Erpenbach, Head of the Policy Department for the divisions Property, Liability, Accident, Automotive Insurance and Customer Center Service, DEVK

Start your digital transformation here
If you want to implement digital processes, there's no better place to start than with digital documents. With Doxis, inbound mail is digitized immediately upon arrival to create the basis for digital downstream processes, such as invoice processing, application processing and contract management. It's the ideal starting point for streamlining business processes across your entire company and boost productivity. You can work on all documents and processes digitally from end to end and easily document and prove compliance with standards including the EU GDPR and records management.
First-class service does not wait! With Doxis you manage inbound mail digitally from the start. The software provides your basis for efficient processes — and end-to-end digitalization. INpostTELLIGENZ from Doxis centralizes all inbound channels: paper mail, emails, online forms, applications and much more: The intelligent inbound mail processing function distributes all mail directly and spreads the load evenly among your employees. Doxis identifies experts, finds back-up should someone be absent and triggers the relevant workflows. Waiting and transport times are eliminated, and all processes and the relevant documents are archived in an audit-proof manner.
Possible use cases of company-wide digitalization
Digital inbound invoices »
Document management »
Automated workflows »
Contract management »
eFiles »
Electronic archiving »

We want to be using as little paper as possible in the new building while speeding up inbound mail processes. Doxis is the ideal solution.
Martin Mermolja, Senior System Administrator Customer Management, Sunrise Communications AG
Inbound mail processing with Doxis
- Uniform processing of various inbound formats in one process (paper & electronic documents)
- Intelligent, self-learning technologies for classification, extraction & validation
- Highly scalable to handle increasing document throughput
- Supports wide range of scan scenarios: centrally, at distributed locations, in the shared service center & many more
- Extendible to become a company-wide ECM platform

How can we help?
Discover with us how Doxis can help you meet your goals.
Would you like to learn more about document management with Doxis? Schedule your personal live demo of Doxis or arrange for us to visit your company to show you its potential live and up close. We look forward to hearing from you!
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