Electronic archiving with Doxis

Preserve company knowledge

Securely store all business-relevant information and use this valuable knowledge productively.

Minimize compliance risks

Archive your documents in line with regulatory requirements and prevent penalties and harm to your brand damage.

Boost productivity

Reduce time-consuming document filing and searching and help your employees work more productively.

All new hard copies are shredded seamlessly. There is no need to store paper any longer!

Nina Orywal, Human Resource Manager, HANSA-FLEX

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Easier compliance

Automate your document, email and data archiving and automatically comply with retention periods: This makes work much easier for employees, minimizes filing errors and helps prevent compliance breaches.

Greater team productivity

With electronic archiving from Doxis, you create a basis of information that all employees can not only access from any location, but also use to share documents quickly and collaborate transparently.

Better service

Use the archiving software to find documents, emails and data directly in the right business context and immediately provide information to customers and business partners on contracts, invoices, processes and more.

End-to-end data protection

Archive all personal data at your company in accordance with the EU GDPR — the certified Doxis archive lets you centrally manage, protect and retrieve it at any time and verifiably delete if necessary.

These companies already use electronic archiving with Doxis

Preserve company knowledge — ensure compliance

If you want to respond quickly to customers and business partners and work on business processes without delay, you need immediate access to the right information. Doxis archiving software finds all documents, eFiles, emails, data and processes from across your company and in the right business context. Information archiving preserves your company knowledge and harnesses it for employees across all locations and departments: More productive employees means higher revenues! You no longer have to worry about complying with the EU GDPR and other regulations — Doxis documents and protects all information for you and archives it in line with audit requirements.

Customer video

An archive that grows according to your needs

Find out how one of the world's largest transportation hubs, Fraport, is not only continuously extending its electronic archive — from a department archive to a company-wide archive — but is also preserving company knowledge and staying compliant in the process.

Watch now

One archive for everything

With Doxis archiving software, you are always able to find digitally archived content directly and without fuss. No more sifting through applications, individual emails and file directories. The information you need for your work is readily accessible: the most current version of a contract, correspondences with customers and suppliers, invoices, and so much more — the enterprise search finds every document, even those in other locations throughout the company. The Doxis viewer displays over 250 file formats: No need to install PDF viewers, multimedia programs, ERP, CRM, CAD and other original applications.

Electronic archiving in practice

No matter if you have 10,000 or 10 billion documents, 50 or 50,000 employees — the flexible archiving software scales dynamically with your business. With only one installation, all of your company's worldwide locations can work with the same archiving system. Everyone has access to all the information they need 24/7. There are so many use cases for electronic archiving. Here are some of them:

  • Document, process & file archiving
  • Department-specific archives, e.g. for Accounting, HR, etc.
  • Data archiving, e.g. from SAP & Salesforce
  • Long-term archiving
  • Global corporate archives
  • Early & late scanning and archiving

Electronic archiving: The foundation for proven compliance

It documents your decisions, your actions and your processes. What's more, you must ensure that information remains immutable, is readable and can be analyzed. With certified archiving software Doxis, you can fulfill legal requirements and standards, e.g. for:


Audit-proof archiving in accounting

Every day you receive documents in accounting that are subject to retention rules — and must ensure they are filed and archived correctly and securely. Not only do digital processes simplify and expedite document archiving, but they also prevent delays in downstream processes like invoice approvals. With a solution that is certified for document archiving, you demonstrably fulfill compliance requirements from the outset.

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Simpler archiving makes work easier for employees

How does information get into the electronic archive? That's easy: Doxis suggests a customer, process or project context to which employees can assign documents. Alternatively, Doxis automatically handles document filing itself using cognitive services. Defined retention periods and access permissions are automatically triggered and protect your data from loss and misuse. The user-friendly archiving software recognizes which documents have already been archived and consequently prevents non-compliant duplicate filing.

Find the right DMS for your needs!

What should a DMS offer? What are the benefits you seek from it? This guide takes you step by step through the process of finding and launching a document management system. It includes practical information and checklists, use cases and recommendations.



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Discover with us how Doxis can help you meet your goals.

Would you like to learn more about document management with Doxis? Schedule your personal live demo of Doxis or arrange for us to visit your company to show you its potential live and up close. We look forward to hearing from you!

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