Best Practice GEFA BANK GmbH

Area of application Electronic case processing in sales financing with business partner records and contract records
Industry Banking/sales financing
Employees Approx. 700
Turnover 2.4 billion euros (2015)
Headquarters Wuppertal, Germany
Integration SAP, MS Office, Lotus Notes, PSD (CRM), GEFA settlement systems
Project scope Germany

Doxis4 has become one of our most important applications and is crucial for our core business.

Maximilian Butzen, Software Engineering of the Content Management division


  • The archive building for paper records was overloaded and in danger of collapsing
  • The old electronic archive no longer met the technical requirements
  • Lack of transparency regarding the status of processes
  • Archiving tax- relevant documents according to German tax regulations (GoBD)


  • Become paper- free: digitization of business documents
  • Launch electronic records
  • Replace the old electronic archive and migrate legacy documents to Doxis4
  • Introduce electronic case processing in sales and contract management
  • Switch from late to early scanning


  • Digital SER archive
  • Automated inbound invoice processing with invoice reading and verification
  • Workflow-managed case processing with electronic records for business partners and contracts
  • Auditable archive with Doxis4 TaxArchiver

Project overview

Starting point

When GEFA BANK started searching for a modern electronic archive system in 2004, the circumstances were exigent: The legacy archive of GEFA BANK, a high-bay warehouse with thousands of paper records, was brimming over and urgently in need of renovation. Instead of investing in building maintenance, the paper records were digitized and converted into PDFs. In this form, they were to be stored audit-proof in a new electronic archive. The existing SAP data archive was outdated and needed to be migrated to the new system. Beyond this, the bank needed automated inbound invoice capturing and verification. Also, new regulations from German financial authorities required an auditable archive for tax- relevant data and documents.


  • Among the competing vendors, SER had the highest performing portfolio in terms of functions
  • With the Doxis4 TaxArchiver, SER provided an archive solution that conforms with German tax law
  • SER worked constructively with the GEFA team throughout the tender process


Doxis4 archive, DMS, workflow, SAP data archiving, eRecords for partners and contracts, InvoiceMaster, TaxArchiver, email archive (Microsoft Outlook)


SAP, MS Office, Lotus Notes, PSD (CRM), GEFA settlement systems

Document volume

Current pool: approx. 5.1 TB/61 million objects; daily growth: approx. 5,000 documents


Around 700 workstations (all GEFA employees in Germany)


  • SER customer since 2006; since then, continuous expansion with the latest product version
  • First project: Replace legacy archive (electronic and paper); migration of legacy data
  • Auditable archive for tax- relevant data and documents
  • 2007: Automated inbound invoice processing with SAP integration
  • Starting in 2008: Launch of eRecords for business partners and contracts
  • 2012: Switch to latest product generation Doxis4
  • Roll- out into all sales areas; expected to be complete by the end of 2017
  • Switch from late to early scanning: Completely electronic, workflow-managed case processing,
    starting from the contract signature
  • Next projects: Email archiving (MS Outlook); business partner records via web client


  • Better customer service thanks to ability to provide information
  • Complete process transparency for everyone involved
  • More efficient collaboration between headquarters and service center
  • Significantly faster contract execution
  • Constantly available documents in eRecords; no more duplicates

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