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Case management study in France reveals important insights

Maureen Cueppers

Information is part of our daily (work) life – mostly dispersed across several (file) systems or hidden in individual mailboxes. The result: information silos emerge and a disrupted flow of information between the company and its partners and customers. With a proper case management solution in place, information can be structured and made available to employees, partners and customers to ensure content literacy and efficient work processes. It’s no wonder then that case management is moving to the top of the IT agenda at many companies.  To find out how widespread case management is already in the business world, France-based analysts from CXP Group and SER joined forces to conduct a study on the role of case management solutions in French businesses – with interesting results.


The study defines case management as a collaborative but non-predictive process that allows any number of people to work on the same case in an orchestrated and automated way. Case workers get the information they need throughout all steps of a case’s life cycle. Although case management solutions are implemented in companies of all business sectors, the study reveals that companies with over €100 million in revenue (59%) and 1,000 employees (58%) are more likely to implement them.

Historically, the healthcare sector has been the primary user of case management solutions. Today, however, case management has become quite prevalent in various customer processes. The decision to implement case management solutions for digital transformation and quality improvement is made by both IT managers (28%) and executive managers (38%). About one-third of the responding firms said that they implement case management solutions to improve team productivity while also reducing costs.

For more than 81% of the surveyed companies, the complexity and duration of the implementation (from 12 to 18 months) are not considered to be show-stoppers, but 37% of them stressed that user resistance to change is an obstacle. One-quarter of the respondents wish they would have more skilled case workers and 23% of them point out the lack of support in case processes.

Despite these challenges, the benefits of case management are tangible: the return on investment typically takes place already in the first year. For the respondents, process automation increased by nearly 50% after one year. Companies that deploy a case management solution are satisfied and rate it 7.5 out of 10. When the solution is initiated by executive management, this rating increases to 8.3 out of 10.

For more insights into how case management solutions are used by companies, download the complete study here (available in French only; English version available upon request).

Maureen Cueppers

Hello there! My name is Maureen Cueppers and I’m the[nbsp]Head of Content [&] Communications at[nbsp]SER. Analyzing, breaking down and clearly explaining the trends [&] possibilities of intelligent[nbsp]content automation[nbsp]for our readers – this is always at the heart of my writing. A native of Oregon (USA), I’m a craft beer enthusiast and have 43 nicknames (the last time I counted).

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