SER Blog  Information Governance

Compliance & verification: Don't build on quicksand!

Julia Pedak

If you want to aim high, you need a strong foundation. When it comes to information management, this means a secure solution that ensures companies verifiably comply with legal requirements – both now and in the future. Certified ECM software provides a reliable basis with respect to EU GDPR compliance and much more.

Right now, data protection issues are top of the agenda for companies in all sectors. But compliance is much more than the EU GDPR. Information management is subject to numerous national and international laws and requirements covering diverse aspects – like the retention of HR or commercial documents, for example. This is before we even touch on audit-proofing! The big question is: How can companies ensure they fully and verifiably comply with so many requirements?

Identify requirements & plan ahead

With an ECM platform, companies can compliantly implement their entire information and process management organization. Planning to roll out or make the switch to an ECM system? Recognized certifications can be a great help when deciding which one to choose: They immediately tell you which laws and standards you will confidently comply with using the audited ECM software. Don't forget to plan ahead: Will your company expand and tap into new markets? What other industry standards and national laws will you have to comply with as a result? If you fail to take this into consideration until the expansion is already in the starting blocks, you run the risk of identifying vulnerabilities too late – which involves time-consuming and costly remedial work. Rather than building on quicksand, companies are far better off choosing a comprehensively and – above all – internationally certified ECM platform.

Create security & instill trust

Why is there no alternative for companies? Firstly, they know that they will be able to comply – verifiably so – with the technical and organizational requirements for audit-proof archiving, ISO standards, the German principles on electronic archiving (GoBD), data protection guidelines and much more. This enables them to maintain information validity and avoid task and liability risks. Which creates security. Secondly, the certification sends a strong signal to auditors, experts and lawyers: A company using certified ECM software is aware of the importance of legal and compliance requirements; it wants to be clear about its intention to fulfill documentation obligations. And in doing so, it makes compliance measures transparent to customers and partners. This instills trust in the company and strengthens its reputation – a crucial factor when looking for good reasons to enter into a business relationship.

Certified security at all levels

A comprehensively certified ECM platform ensures you build your information management on a solid foundation. Not only will you comply with sector-specific standards and guidelines, you will also establish the key pillars underpinning trusting business relationships. Ideally, all communication between your ECM platform and e.g. SAP or Microsoft will be fully compliant. Vendors of certified interfaces guarantee secure and deep integration along with reliable communication between all systems. The result: You protect your company-wide information management against collapse.

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