Greater security,
greater trust

EU GDPR compliance through Doxis


Manage personal data in line with the EU GDPR


Securely store, protect, release & delete information


Prove access, processing, transmission & deletion at any time

Avoid risks, create trust

With Doxis you can process and protect the sensitive data of customers and business partners.

The EU General Data Protection Regulations (EU GDPR) apply to all companies based in the EU or with business operations there. The challenge? The data of business partners and customers is subject to special data protection regulations. With Doxis you can fulfill these requirements. Whether it’s contracts, orders, invoices, emails, names, addresses, banking or insurance information: all documents and data with a personal reference can be captured, stored and processed and then verifiably transferred and deleted. Doxis is certified to meet these requirements. You can prevent financial penalties or, in worst case, a ban on operations. Secure the trust of your customers and business partners and manage your information according to the EU GDPR with Doxis.

EU GDPR compliance through Doxis: Your benefits


Comply with EU GDPR thanks to certified software


Quickly find data in unstructured content


Securely capture, store and process sensitive data


Traceably delete information


Fully protect data in all business processes


Easily comply with retention periods

Tested security

Doxis is EU GDPR-certified.

EU GDPR certification for Doxis gives you assurance: it means you can protect, store, delete and release personal data in accordance with EU GDPR requirement. This has been certified by the renowned auditing firm Ebner Stolz.

Best practices

Customer data in the best hands

It’s not just in the EU that personal data is protected by strict regulations. Switzerland's largest telecommunications provider Sunrise relies on Doxis to help it fulfill the domestic data protection requirements. Read here why Sunrise’s 3.43 million customers place so much trust in their telco provider of choice.


Know & comply with EU GDPR requirements

With Doxis you are technically capable of fulfilling crucial articles of the EU GDPR.

Right to erasure – Art. 17 EU GDPR

Customers, employees and partners may request the deletion of their data at any time – as soon as the data is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was collected. With Doxis you are able to find all relevant data and delete it in a verifiable manner.

Right to data portability – Art. 20 EU GDPR

Is a business relationship with one of your contractors ending? This partner has the right to receive all of his or her data. Doxis transmits the relevant information in a machine-readable format and documents the correct transfer.

Security of processing – Art. 32 EU GDPR

Special privacy provisions apply to the processing of personal data. Only authorized persons may process data for specific purposes. The immutability of the data must be guaranteed as well. You can make sure of this with Doxis.


Compliant with EU GDPR? Check now!

Violations of the EU GDPR are subject to penalties, e.g., fines of up to 20 million euros or 4% of a company’s total revenue, whichever is higher. Bans on operation may also result. Avoid these risks with Doxis: Find out here how Doxis can help you comply with the EU GDPR in a traceable way.


Data protection made easy

Doxis gives you the assurance that all information and processes comply with the EU GDPR.

Identify information

Names, dates of birth, addresses, etc.: Doxis finds personal data where ever it’s stored – including in integrated ERP and CRM systems. This is the basis for end-to-end EU GDPR-compliant information management.

Label information

With Doxis, you can label new personal data as such from the very start. Once labeled, you can instantly find, transmit and delete all data, documents and processes containing the relevant information.

Protect data

Who can access personal data? Who is able to process and delete data? You have the power to define this with Doxis for all personal documents, data and processes across your organization.

Everything is documented

Doxis tracks all accesses, changes, deletions and transmissions of data to demonstrate your compliance with the EU GDPR. What’s more, Doxis also traceably logs organizational measures taken to fulfill the EU GDPR.

Holger Klindthworth, Ebner & Stolz

The audited Doxis software, when used correctly and in conjunction with organizational control mechanisms, enables companies to fulfill data protection requirements according to the EU GDPR.

Holger Klindthworth, Ebner Stolz


Retention periods & EU GDPR compliance

A customer or business partner may at some point request that their personal data is deleted. But what about bills and other documents you may need to keep for tax reasons? In these cases, the legal retention period applies. With Doxis you can cover all the bases:

  • Prevent access to specific information & its processing
  • Comply automatically with legal retention periods
  • After the deadline, Doxis fully erases the personal data

Discover Doxis!

Personal data is stored throughout your company. With Doxis you can implement digital solutions to comply with the EU GDPR and many other compliance specifications worldwide: from document management to cross-departmental processes and secure collaboration with external business partners.

Discover Doxis

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