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Highly motivated despite beating sun

| Frank Bazlen

About a year ago, one of our colleagues told us about a run in Stuttgart that he took part in. While he was talking we quickly realized that there were many running enthusiasts at our Stuttgart office who enjoy some competitive fun! That’s when we had the idea: We have to take part in the next corporate run, “B2Run”! This past July, our newly formed running team comprised of colleagues from Sales, Presales and Professional Services joined 7,700 other runners at the Neckar Park in Stuttgart.

Before the big day, we had one serious concern: Would we have to run in temperatures clearly above 90° F? The weather god decided to take pity on us that day and it wasn’t so hot. But we still did our fair share of sweating: We were eager to prove ourselves! Full of motivation, we positioned ourselves in the first row of runners at the starting line. We gave it our all to keep up with the fastest among them. And the hard work paid off! Accompanied by music, drummers and onlookers, we made our way around the 4.7 kilometer trail. Our colleagues awaited us at the finish line, cheering us through the last meters and offering the first cold refreshments and fruit. Once we caught our breath, it became clear for all of us: What a great team experience! Let’s do that again!

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