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Making a difference together: SER Group donates 100,000 euros


Our 2020 donation initiative, launched under the motto “You click – We donate,” was a total success: with every click we added 5 euros to the overall donation. In the end, we donated 100,000 euros to various international aid projects and people in need.

SER Weihnachtsspendenaktion

Some 235 million people worldwide are suffering from the economic and social repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic, in addition to political conflicts, extreme winter conditions and natural disasters. “We asked ourselves: What can we do to help the people affected by these conditions? With our Christmas donation initiative ‘Donations instead of gifts: You click – We donate,’ we sought to provide financial support to a number of organizations and non-profits that improve the living conditions of those marginalized in society,” explains Sven Oliver Behrendt, COO of the SER Group. He continues: “There are many amazing volunteers dedicated to helping those in need around the world. We cannot save the whole world, but we can support a few aid projects at home and abroad, which we are very happy to do.”

Committed to giving back

The SER Group called on its employees, customers and business partners to support its 2020 donation initiative. The response was overwhelming: every click on the initiative page added 5 euros, resulting in a total of 47,835 euros. This sum was then matched and rounded up to a total of 100,000 euros by the SER Group. The aid was distributed among organizations that support people without housing or healthcare, refugee projects, as well as institutions for seriously ill children and their families. The donation recipients can use the funds to improve living conditions and provide relief to those suffering hardship. They can also offer children support and care, feed and protect the those who lack housing and medical assistance, and many other important efforts.

Learn more about the aid projects

Johannes Breuers, Chief Financial Officer, adds: “Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, 2020 was a successful year for us, and we would like to give this back to others with our Christmas donation. We would like to thank everyone who answered our call – and clicked – and by so doing contributed to the total donation.”

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