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Intelligent information management for real estate

Björn Helmholz

Rental and purchase contracts, appraisals, construction plans and more: real estate management is a document-intensive business. And then there’s the data in SAP Flexible Real Estate Management (RE-FX), such as the rental space and rental units in a building. Being able to quickly locate all this information is the first step to transparent, streamlined real estate management. The second is ensuring correct filing and documentation doesn’t take up too much time and effort. This is where Doxis can help.

Intelligentes Immobilienmanagement mit Doxis4

Enhancing SAP RE-FX with document management functionality

RE-FX from SAP is a purpose-built real estate management component designed for managing all types of real estate. But the SAP data is just one aspect: owning real estate involves a sea of paperwork, all of which needs to be managed and organized. It’s a difficult task with SAP alone, since SAP lacks key document management functions like structured filing and search options. That’s where Doxis SmartBridge for SAP comes in: it links your SAP system with Doxis. As soon as a property item is added in SAP (e.g. building/land/rental property), Doxis automatically creates a property file (Doxis electronic file) that you can access directly from SAP with just one click.

The Doxis eFile can be used to manually or automatically file any number of documents in a structured manner, from general correspondence to contracts and drawings. The next section will show you how intelligent information management with Doxis supports this.

Context-based document filing

Users can drag and drop property-related documents from the file system to the newly created property eFile. This is just one of many ways to file documents in the property eFile. An automated filing process is even faster and easier. For instance, Doxis can automatically assign inbound email attachments to the correct eFile. Inbound hard-copy documents via regular mail can be scanned in and digitized by Doxis before being automatically filed. But how does Doxis know which documents belong where?

Webinar: How intelligent capture automation benefits your organization

Intelligent capture automation (ICA) has become an important means of not only coping with the rising tides of information, but also of making back-office processes automated, smarter and more efficient. Join our webinar to learn how you ICA can enhance your inbound processes.

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Automatic metadata assignment

The Doxis Extraction & Classification Service automatically recognizes the document type — e.g. whether it’s a rental agreement, construction plan, or an appraisal. It also extracts key document attributes (e.g. market value, appraiser) and uses all this information to assign the correct designations and metadata to documents. This makes them easy to locate later on using a keyword search.

Structured filing in the property eFile

Doxis uses the extracted information to automatically sort documents into the correct structure in the property eFile. For instance, contracts are assigned to the real estate contracts or rental contracts tab depending on the contract type. Doxis also displays data such as the market value directly without the need for you to open and search the document. You quickly and intuitively find all the information you need to manage your real estate. Alternatively, you can jump directly from the eFile back to your SAP platform to continue working as normal. With Doxis you bring together documents, data and processes in one place — and eliminate inconvenient switching between systems and time-consuming searching for the right information.

Intelligent information management with Doxis helps you to trim down many of the time- and resource-intensive activities involved in real estate management. It’s quick and easy to add new properties to your portfolio and handle the accompanying paperwork. The Doxis property eFile gives everyone simple, structured access to the relevant documents and other related information they need for their daily work. This in turn simplifies and expedites downstream real estate management processes, including rental, sales, or portfolio management. What is more, with Doxis you document that all relevant documents — appraisals, contracts, rental invoices and more — are present, correct and properly handled, giving you end-to-end accountability in liability issues. The result: You can focus on managing your real estate portfolio rather than organizing the paperwork.

Björn Helmholz

Hello, my name is Björn Helmholz.[nbsp]Working in technical sales, I can combine my fascination for technology with my joy in working with customers. I am passionate about deep-diving into all new Doxis technologies and finding ways to utilize them to help our customers and prospects.

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