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5 ways ECM supports your decision-making process

Björn Helmholz

Every hour of the day we make some 2,000 decisions, whether in personal or professional areas. Most of these mundane decisions are made based on gut instinct; sometimes we are not even consciously aware of the process. In business, however, things are a bit different. Decisions have to be made based on facts, because they could have potentially far-reaching consequences.

In this context, two questions are key: What are the conditions for good decision-making? And what could prevent you from making decisions quickly and expertly?

What are some of the situations that can exacerbate decision-making?

  1. You cannot access the information you need at any time or from anywhere.
  2. The information is difficult to find or has been lost.
  3. The information available cannot be compiled or processed properly for the decision-making process.
  4. Coordination and approvals take too long and the decision-making process is not clearly defined.

An ECM system such as Doxis addresses exactly these hindrances and provides an information platform to support you, even with future decisions. Here are 5 ways ECM supports decision-making:

1. Access information anytime, anywhere

“Anyplace, anywhere, anytime" – our workplace is no longer a fixed place where you have to go in order to get the information you want. With a web or desktop client and a mobile app, Doxis allows you to access data anywhere and at any time.

2. Unite diverse data sources

Centralized archiving of paper documents is gradually becoming a thing of the past. With the spread of digitalization and the rise of apps, the right application is available for every need. As a result, new documents and information are being created on a daily basis. The principle "There is an app for everything" is helpful for users, but it makes it difficult or virtually impossible to bring together the information for any decision-making process, because the information is contained in numerous apps and thus in isolated data pools. 

Doxis follows the approach of integrating existing information silos (content federation) and finding and using them in this way (enterprise search). Existing sources (including file share tools, SharePoint, Microsoft Office 365, etc.) can be integrated and combined as an option.


Linked icon in Doxis: Documents can be searched in Doxis from different sources (also in full text)


Bringing the available information together is an important step to creating a foundation for good decision-making. In this way, your ECM system functions as a single source of truth to access a data pool.

3. Bring together information into one process

After the information has been brought together, it is usually necessary to structure the information as needed and bundle it for a decision-making process. Doxis eFiles, a component of the Doxis platform, are a proven means of structuring information. The Doxis BPM service is also a state-of-the-art module for bundling information and flexibly designing processes. With this module, a standardized decision-making process can be mapped, which can be adapted flexibly to meet your requirements.

Standard decision-making process with Doxis

In an active process, it is possible to add further information and conduct alternative searches or analyses of this information.

4. Define and make decisions on time

To advance the workflow, a task is completed in Doxis when a decision is made. The decision-making process can be steered by predefined selection options (e.g. rejected or approved) and a maximum processing or decision-making time.

5. Support future decision-making

To make future decision-making faster and easier, Doxis can be used to retrieve decisions made in the past. Doxis Cognitive Services, which are constantly being enhanced, make this possible. Based on machine-learning methods and information retrieval from completed processes, a recommendation for decisions is suggested.

Doxis supports you with decision-making tools

A final recommendation

Doxis provides, based on the aspects described, a sound basis for good decision-making. By analyzing data (including analyzing information in the process and documenting decisions) and by facilitating decision-making, Doxis can give you a competitive advantage in your market: You will be able to respond faster, avoid costly poor decisions, and improve the quality of your products and services.

Björn Helmholz

Hello, my name is Björn Helmholz.[nbsp]Working in technical sales, I can combine my fascination for technology with my joy in working with customers. I am passionate about deep-diving into all new Doxis technologies and finding ways to utilize them to help our customers and prospects.

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