Enterprise search with Doxis

Find information centrally

Search and find documents and data from all sources in your organization without switching between applications.

Faster response time

Shorten the search times for information so you can process cases faster and provide customers with immediate information.

Compliance made easy

Find and fully protect all personal and retention-relevant information in the company.

It used to take a considerable amount of time to get a specific item of information. You were sometimes dependent on support from other colleagues who had to help find a document and send it to you.

Johannes Gebetsberger, Application Services Project Manager and project leader of the Doxis launch, TGW Logistics Group

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Utilize all your business know-how

Find all of your company’s information via Doxis instead of struggling to access it in information silos, thus exploiting the full potential of your company’s knowledge.

Work more productively

Doxis provides you with the information you need directly in processes so you can work more productively without extensively searching for the right information.

Be ready to provide information

You can immediately find information in the right business context, e.g. about customers and suppliers, with Doxis and provide them with information quickly and competently.

Free up your employees

With less time spent searching, your employees have more time to focus on value-adding tasks.

Enterprise search with Doxis in action

Find information faster and easier

Databases, servers, Microsoft SharePoint, file directories... Information can be found in companies in a wide range of places, mostly isolated and difficult to find. Doxis overcomes this and brings together documents, data, and operations across systems and contexts. With Doxis enterprise search, you gain transparency in all existing information, can access it centrally, and at the same time more easily fulfill compliance requirements. You can find information faster, with less effort and actively use it in your business processes – the basis for shorter turnaround times and the improved ability to provide information.

Case study

With ECM from SER, each employee saves on average over 100 hours every year on document searches alone!

Cornelius Hilbig, Head of Digital Services/IT, Eissmann Group Automotive

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Easy searches with enterprise search

Combined search

Search for keywords, full text, or combine both. You can see search results in uniform result lists, from which you immediately jump to the corresponding source.

Dynamic result lists

Doxis also displays result lists dynamically: e.g. all contracts from the last six months or all completed orders from the last four weeks.

Filtering options

Filters help you to narrow your search in Doxis: by author, language, document type, processor, and much more.

Integrated viewer

The original program of the file isn’t installed on your device? The Doxis Viewer can still display them to you!

Enterprise search facilitates compliance

Enterprise search with Doxis enables you to find all the information in your company. For example, you can quickly identify documents and personal data that are subject to retention.

  • You can earmark information with EU GDPR relevance & you can completely delete it at any time
  • You protect sensitive information from unwanted access & manipulation
  • You automatically comply with legal retention periods

Actively use information in its context with content federation

Metadata management

Doxis finds information in external sources and automatically assigns it with metadata. Content federation make it actionable in information management.

Context mapping

Doxis automatically assigns information to the correct context: Invoices for vendor files, CVs for application processes, orders for vendor files, etc.

Easy information transfer

Do you, for example, want to version documents from the file directory and archive them in an audit-proof way? You can easily transfer them to Doxis in one click and take advantage of all of the benefits of ECM.

Find the right DMS for your needs!

What should a DMS offer? What are the benefits you seek from it? This guide takes you step by step through the process of finding and launching a document management system. It includes practical information and checklists, use cases and recommendations.



How can we help?

Discover with us how Doxis can help you meet your goals.

Would you like to learn more about document management with Doxis? Schedule your personal live demo of Doxis or arrange for us to visit your company to show you its potential live and up close. We look forward to hearing from you!

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