Audit-proof archiving on the Doxis platform

Fulfill legal requirements

Audit-proof archiving keeps you fully compliant with the relevant requirements of a wide range of countries and minimizes the risk of compliance violations.

Protect company knowledge

Keep your valuable company knowledge safe — with guaranteed immutability and protection against loss and unauthorized access company-wide.

Deploy resources better

Reduce the time and effort needed to fulfill compliance requirements and free up time for your employees to focus on improving products and services.

Supported by server-based, audit-proof email archiving, we now always fulfill the legal requirements for handling revenue-related documents.

Werner Höltl, Application Manager (Finances), Duravit AG

Easier compliance

Automated workflows make it easy for your employees to stay compliant: for storage and archiving, for creating procedural documentation and for complying with retention periods.

Breeze through audits

Make the audit process easier on both sides: Immediately provide internal and external auditors the information they need in a ready-to-go format — and pass your next audit with flying colors.

Transparent process steps

Doxis fully versions all processing steps with a transparent log of all changes to documents. Say farewell to time-wasting follow-ups and mistakes caused by using outdated information.

Find information even faster

Locate audit-proof archived documents, data and even processes and workflows directly, cut down on search times and stay primed to provide information to the authorities, customers and business partners at any time.

These companies already use audit security solutions from Doxis

Staying compliant and avoiding penalties has never been easier

Manually safeguarding auditability in accordance with legal requirements — not to mention compliance with the EU GDPR — is incredibly labor intensive. Doxis makes it much easier: With the certified software, you archive commercial, legal and technical documents automatically, on time, immutably, traceably and in line with EU GDPR. Avoid penalties for incorrect bookkeeping or data protection violations, secure valuable company knowledge and reduce the time and effort needed to fulfill and document compliance.

Case study

All new hard copies are shredded smoothly and seamlessly. There is no need to store paper any longer. Copies are always sufficient, even in court proceedings. It’s irrelevant whether they come from an audit-proof archive or a paper file.

Nina Orywal, Human Resource Manager, HANSA-FLEX

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Certified audit security

Doxis fulfills the requirements for audit security — domestically and internationally. Multiple certifications of Doxis attest to its compliance

Complete & secure

By the book

Legal and internal compliance requirements are fulfilled for all documents, data and processes across the enterprise in a traceable manner.


Documents, contracts, salary statements, emails: Doxis archives all documents in an audit-proof manner — throughout the organization and at all locations.

Always secure

With Doxis your entire archiving process is audit-proof. All documents are directly archived at creation, at invoice receipt and right when they arrive via mail.

No losses

When it comes to archived information, Doxis automatically complies with legal retention periods. This means that no document is prematurely deleted. On the contrary: you’ll always find what you seek.

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In a live demo or at your place of business.

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Protected & traceable


Doxis ensures the immutability of your documents. It protects them from modifications and manipulation. Access rights make sure that only the right users gain access to documents.


Doxis logs each action in electronic archiving: the audit trail function and versioning ensure the transparency of all changes and accesses, e.g. during business audits.


Are you changing your archiving procedure, e.g. by introducing a new system for invoice processing? With Doxis you can create the relevant procedural documentation.


Doxis enables you to immediately provide all relevant documents and documentation in a ready-to-go format. You’ll be fully prepared for the next audit.

How can we help?

Discover with us how Doxis can help you meet your goals.

Would you like to learn more about audit security with Doxis? Schedule your personal live demo of Doxis or arrange for us to visit your company to show you its potential live and up close. We look forward to hearing from you!


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