ECM for retail

Increase revenue

With information always to hand, you respond to customers faster than ever and boost revenues as a result: Excellent service attracts and retains customers who prefer to shop with you.

Develop new marketplaces

Digitalize your processes from end to end as the launchpad to selling products via new business models, online marketplaces and in international markets.

Save time & resources

Automate how you handle orders, logistics processes, supplier management and more — to boost efficiency, minimize costly delays and prevent goods bottlenecks.

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With Doxis our processes are much faster than before and we can respond to customers and suppliers quicker than ever.

Ingo Köster, Head of IT Application Management, Westfalen Group

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Improve customer communication

Keep your customers updated 24/7 on the status of orders, contracts and invoices via integrated portals, apps and the service hotline — and set yourself apart from the competition.

Maintain product and delivery quality

Doxis makes managing your supplier relationships a cinch, so you can focus on safeguarding the quality of your products and suppliers and preventing supply chain interruptions — this way, you always offer customers the goods they want.

Make work easier

Automated workflows to handle orders, contracts, invoices, store and HR management and more make life much easier for employees: Happy employees make for happy customers!

Guarantee data protection and quality

Minimize the risk of penalties: The certified Doxis software documents that you handle all customer data in line with EU GDPR and comply with transportation, storage and hygiene requirements and other standards.

These retail companies already work with Doxis

Strengthen customer loyalty and boost revenue

Whether shopping online or in brick-and-mortar stores, customers today expect fast, expert service. Without it, they are quick to turn to competitors. With Doxis you keep customers fully informed about the status of their orders and deliveries at all times — via digital services, for instance. You digitally manage and work on all documents relating to customers, goods, staff and suppliers, and automate relevant processes both within and across any number of sites and stores. Product quality is seamlessly documented with Doxis and customer data stays verifiably protected. The result: Products and services that appeal to customers and boost revenue.

Case study

Our employees can no longer imagine working with paper files and folders.

Thomas Steiner, ECM project lead in the Organization department, EDEKA Nord

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ECM solutions for retail

Files for stores, rentals & real estate

Electronic files give property managers and store managers central access to all rental contracts, invoices, construction plans, images, emails, ERP data and much more.

Supplier management

Share certificates, quality assessments, photos of inventory and more at any time and securely using virtual data rooms — collaboration with all suppliers has never been so transparent!

Automated processes

From ordering to invoicing processing to document archiving, Doxis performs a wide range of processes fully automatically. The result: shorter lead times and fewer errors.

Digital logistics processes

Stop goods bottlenecks before they start! With digital logistics processes, you manage orders, delivery notes, invoices and other documents along your entire supply chain.

Archive & quality management

Keep work instructions, storage provisions and more up to date and available to employees at all times with Doxis. Doxis documents your quality management from end to end.

Digital marketing processes

Roll out marketing campaigns quickly and transparently — to keep your customers in the loop and excited about your products and services.

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Our goal was to shorten the invoice processing time and to have a more efficient and audit-proof structure. We achieved this thanks to SER. A real win for the company and, most of all, for the employees.

Gundolf Hallmann, Area Manager of Finance and Accounting, bofrost* Dienstleistungs GmbH & Co. KG

Documented compliance for confidence in all liability issues

Is your customer data correctly protected? Do you comply with health and safety, storage, and hygiene regulations? Doxis documents that all sites have been informed about and conform to the relevant requirements. You archive all proof of compliance in an audit-proof way — the numerous Doxis certifications are testimony to this.

A guide to optimizing & automating processes

An in-depth look at what process a must deliver today to enable multichannel sales & top service: with case studies and actionable insights to digitally transform your business processes for long-term agility.


How can we help?

Discover with us how Doxis can help you meet your goals.

Would you like to learn more about document management with Doxis? Schedule your personal live demo of Doxis or arrange for us to visit your company to show you its potential live and up close. We look forward to hearing from you!

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